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Letters of Gratitude

Letters of gratitude arrive daily. The following comments are excerpts from letters sent by preachers, teachers, and students in various nations. Some have been translated from the writer’s original language into English.

Nigeria: "I am certain that the Lord is working through Truth for Today World Mission School as a means of teaching the truth of the Word of God. . . . God wanted every man everywhere to be saved regardless of his color or his background or nation he belongs. People still need to hear about His Son Jesus the Christ and Him crucified on the cross. Our world is full of good people. They are honest, sincere, and decent in character. They are trying to do good and live honorable lives. Still God wants them to be saved by following the conditions of pardon. God wants someone to share the good news of salvation. God wants them to know that their goodness will not save them, but only the grace of God offered through Jesus Christ. God uses power in the Gospel; God uses a man; God uses words; and God relies on us, His sons, His church, to go to those who are seeking and share with them the message of salvation. With your assistance Christ could win the lost souls. . . . I commend you in your work of faith, and our Sovereign King Jesus Christ will give you strength to shoulder the awesome responsibility of serving Him and others."

Kenya: “Thanks for mailings of Truth for Today. They have really been a blessing and an encouragement too. Every time I receive the books I begin using them and after finishing I give them to others to read and some to other teachers of the Word. I preach for a congregation of the Lord’s church and teach Bible classes. We have Bible studies with others outside a class setting, once every month. We have about twelve congregations and we meet every month once to teach and encourage each other. Most often I preach from the gospels and the epistles. Truth for Today materials have been of great assistance in my teaching. Keep it up. Keep it coming. It has really helped very many in understanding the Scripture.”

Tanzania: “The aim of this mail is to continue to thank you for keeping me in the list of the preachers receiving materials of teaching from you. I want to say in behalf of the Church, may the Living God protect you while you are serving Him. Also I want to share to you what God has done to us through your materials. Many people are learning the truth and others are being baptized in water for the remission of the sin. Just think the angels in heaven rejoice over one sinner who repents. What must it be like when a whole family hears the word and one by one they believe! The church of Christ in this local area is new and we need to work hard so that we can reach all family in this village. Please keep us in your daily prayer and continue to send to us some materials which will help us in preaching.”

Ghana: "I am highly appreciative to you indeed for the great work you have continued to do for the past years. All I wish to say is that the good Lord crown all your efforts with greater success. . . . Sermons are extracted from Truth for Today and taught at the various churches I handle, including the church that meets at the local prison. I minister to both in-mates and officers in the prison. I have done this for the past 12 years and I enjoy working for the Lord, especially seeing in-mates giving their lives to the Lord through baptism. . . . All the Truth for Today I receive from you are excellent! I'm sure there's no way that I could really convey my deep appreciation for all of you."

Zimbabwe: “Truth for Today is truly a blessing since I am able to teach and minister to the congregation I lead. . . This year, 52 people were baptised in March in Marondera and now I have a new assembly bigger than the one I had in Harare the capital city. Most of my lessons are from Truth for Today. Thank you for your faithful service to our Almighty God and Saviour Jesus Christ.”

Namibia: “Thank you for all the good work that you are doing and may the Lord bless you all. Please keep my name on your mailing list. I am using the materials of Truth for Today every day to teach and preach the gospel here in our country. Last year 120 people were baptised because of understanding of the Word of God using your materials. Today many people are still being blessed by the Lord for reading the materials. Thank you and God bless you all.”

Malawi: “I am a missionary who works with many congregations, rarely preaching for the same congregation on two consecutive Sundays. I share the materials you send with the Bible school staff and it is used by many others also in our library. My staff and I hold seminars throughout the year. We operate a Bible school that trains hundreds of leaders every year. We have weekly door to door evangelistic campaigns in the villages and also sermons delivered in hospitals and prisons. Thank you for sending us the materials, which are a great blessing to our effort to provide solid biblical knowledge to Malawian church workers.”

Togo: “Receive all my best greetings in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The brothers of my Sunday school class, that is the newly converted brothers and sisters, greet you. Together we thank you for all the efforts you use to send books to us so that we may be well-fed the Bible truth by His knowledge for our spiritual growth. The publications that you have sent us are filled with rich and instructive teachings to the Christians that we are. May our Jesus Christ also bless you in your efforts for salvation, the preparation of souls for His next return.”

Haiti: “May peace and grace be given to you from God and the Lord Jesus Christ. I feel extremely happy in taking my pen to send you this letter with the purpose of greeting you and all the personnel. I am writing you also to tell you not to discontinue this great work that you are in the process of doing. You are helping thousands of students by your materials. May the Lord not cease to bless you and to increase the financial means to continue this great task.”

Iraq: “You are people with a heavenly message; as Jesus said to Peter, ‘feed my sheep.’ You now lead us and feed us; you are considered to be Jesus’ disciples. In fact, I do not know how to express the love I have in my heart for you.”

Andhra Pradesh, India: “Greetings to you in the holy name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. By the grace of God, we are all safe and praying to God for you and all the staff of Truth for Today World Mission School. Truly Truth for Today material is more precious than gold and silver because you are standing for truth of Christ. God bless you. I request you to pray for providing me Telugu Bibles and literature as many as possible. We are conducting gospel meetings in the villages. We need your precious books in Telugu.”

Kerala, India: “I receive regularly Truth for Today and very greatly use it in teaching and preaching the Gospel of Christ. Thrice in a year I go to my native place in Kerala and take Bible Class to the dedicated people of God. . . . I know that you make it available for everyone who desires to study God’s Word and it is the result of your hard work and dedication. To send these materials is great expensive. One thing I can do is that I will study properly and use these materials without alteration and teach many people. I am much obliged to you. I hope that you would keep my address in the list and send to me regularly and encourage me in the service of God. May God grant you all success.”

New South Wales, Australia: “Thank you for continuing to send me Truth for Today. As always, my thanks go to all who contribute to the production and mailing of this publication....With increasing numbers of migrants, particularly from Asia and also from Muslim countries in the Middle East, we are now meeting many people who have grown up with no knowledge of Christianity."

Philippines: “For some years now I have been receiving Truth for Today. I’ve greatly benefited from reading this brotherhood magazine; not only I, but also those whom I have taught, the three local congregations I am serving, and the preachers from the denominations whom I had converted through the Word. Let me cite, for instance, the series of lessons from the book of Philippians. For twelve Sundays I taught these lessons in our Sunday school classes, preached these in the pulpits, and discussed these over cups of coffee with friends and fellow preachers. Not only have we ‘caught’ the very important messages of the book, these messages also ‘caught’ us!”

Japan: “Thank you for the biblical materials that you sent me. They are very useful in my ministry. At present, twice a week I’m conducting a Bible study with a Japanese graduate student and my Japanese language teacher. . . . I wish you had a Japanese version of the materials that I’m receiving from you.”

China: “We’ve received the journal Studies of Biblical Literature and benefited a lot from it. It is just the sweet fountain to us. It can play an important role in our future study and research on Bible and we’ve seen the light ahead that we’ve never seen before. We love this journal so much that we hope we can get every copy of it in the future.”

British Virgin Islands: “I am one of the young preachers from Trinidad School of Preaching and Teaching that your books have helped equip in the Lord’s work. I have taught many classes using your material and I am still presently recommending the books that you publish to other ministers of the gospel. I am saying all this to let you know that your work and the work of all the other brethren who assist you are doing wonders.”

Costa Rica: “For the glory of God, there have been a great amount of souls that have come forward to the feet of Christ. It has not been easy because my only means of transportation is a bicycle and where I go preach is great distance and there are many rainy days over here. But blessed is the Lord that takes me from triumph to triumph. The issues from Truth for Today World Mission School have been a blessing for me and I’ve read them so many times that I know them by memory. I long to succeed so that I can be of better service for the work of the Lord.”

Mexico: “I suffered an accident while I was baptizing at the sea. It’s been several months and I lost both my legs. I am depending on others to take me to preach where I am needed. . . . Brothers, I am tied physically to a wheelchair, but the Word of God is not tied and I still have responsibilities. I’ve been working for the Lord 35 years and I will continue. As long as I have your cooperation this work will continue.”

Brazil: “Truth for Today has given us joy and prepared us for the teaching and knowledge of the kingdom of God. Without any doubt, it will be very important and appreciated for us to receive the next issues. All of the lessons are very helpful in teaching and spreading the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Russia: “The church of Christ in the city of Chelyabinsk is very thankful for the ‘Truths for Today’ that we receive from you. Christians here appreciate your labour for Christ. Let God continue to bless you in your work and keep you in His care.”

Belarus: “I wanted to express to you my deep gratitude for your work with the issues of Truth for Today. I thank God for you and your work. I cannot stop rejoicing and praising God for His care for the spiritual growth of His children. I have shared your issues with my co-workers to read to help them come closer to God. I hope that soon they will repent and come to the Lord.”

Ukraine: “Thank you for responding to my previous letter by sending me the issues of Truth for Today. We are so grateful to you. This is a kind of abundant spiritual rain that we have never seen before. We cannot express our gratitude. We are praying that God will bless you and give you wisdom as you serve everyone.”

Italy: “Thanks for the words of encouragement, coming from God’s Word....When we receive your issues we experience joy, because we know that you the first Christians of Berea (who examined the Scriptures daily, whether these things were so) and do all of this with love.”

England: “May the Good Lord continue to grant you the power and strength to release the undiluted words of God to the sick world. This is the only medicine that can cure the sickness. Remember brother Paul’s statement that God is not unrighteous to forget your labour of love which you have shown toward His Name Heb. 6:10. I have been using the books for evangelism, admonition and for teaching. I pray God will open the spiritual understanding of the listeners to obey the true word of God.”