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 Special Projects 

     A Year in the Word
     Latin America
     Through the Scriptures
     Into the Abundant Life
     Becoming a
       Faithful Christian

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A Year in the Word

What a great opportunity we have before us! Throughout the nation, people are hungering for the hope that the gospel brings. Every experience that has gone before us, all the teaching and guidance we have received in the past, and all the worshiping and praying we have done has prepared us for this special moment in history.

Here is what we are hoping for us to do together:

Deeply study and preach Christ and His mission as outlined in the
New Testament to further grow His kingdom in America.

Below you will find three detailed plans that outline year-long congregational studies that seek to accomplish this goal. Please review the details to understand the contents of each study:

Click an image above to learn more about that study.