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About Truth for Today World Mission School

"And the things which you have heard from me in
the presence of many witnesses, these entrust to faithful men,
who will be able to teach others also
" (2 Timothy 2:2).

Truth for Today World Mission School in Searcy, Arkansas, is a multifaceted non-profit organization dedicated to world evangelism.  Directed by Eddie Cloer, a Gospel preacher, Greek scholar, and retired theological professor, TFTWMS strives to teach faithfully the Holy Scriptures of our Lord.

Truth for Today World Mission School, Inc., a Bible-oriented school, is overseen by a nine-member board. Five of the board members are elders in the Lord's church, serving as elders in three different churches of Christ. Of the four remaining members, one is a financial officer, one is a retired gospel preacher, one is a retired missionary, one is a schoolteacher, and one is a university professor. The board has free access to three solid congregations (one is 1,400 members, one is 400 members, and one is 160 members) that are very supportive of TFTWMS and can provide the collective wisdom of those elderships. The board is surrounded by an advisory council that provides special expertise and insight for the ongoing work of global outreach.

Experienced missionaries agree that the survival and spiritual growth of congregations planted around the world may depend on the availability of printed Bible-study materials.  The primary focus of Truth for Today World Mission School, a monthly publication called Truth for Today, is designed to address this need.

This publication is sent to tens of thousands of preachers and Bible teachers.  Each issue is the equivalent of a 150-page book. It is published twelve times a year and is mailed in English to thousands of preaching brethren in many nations all over the globe.  Translating offices have been established in Brazil, Costa Rica, India, Indonesia, and Ukraine.

Specific content guidelines have been set to ensure that the teaching materials are in harmony with the restoration of New Testament Christianity.  Specifically, (a) these materials are to respect and promote the New Testament church and must not in any way sanction or lend credence to denominationalism; that is, religious bodies created by man; (b) these materials must concentrate on the exposition of the teachings of the Bible in a fundamental, safe, and practical way; (c) these materials must always be clear on the way of salvation through faith, repentance, confession of Jesus Christ, and baptism for the forgiveness of sins, as taught in the Scriptures; (d) these materials must promote the worship of God according to the New Testament pattern and must not express any kind of approval for any kind of human innovation; (e) these materials must not argue for American Christianity as opposed to arguing for the universal Christianity of the New Testament with its eternal principles which may be appropriately applied in any culture.

To read more about the work of TFTWMS, go to the Evangelism page.